Shedd Kids (0s-P7)
Shedd Kids is for all pre-school and primary aged children. All of our Kids ministry runs during the Sunday morning services. Join in for some great action songs, some exciting teaching from some crazy characters and lots of fun!
Shedd Youth (S1-S6)
Shedd Youth exists to raise up daring disciples who partner with Jesus in every aspect of their lives. We meet on Friday evenings throughout the school term.
Young Adults (18-25s)
Our Young Adults group meet every Wednesday, exploring different aspects of the Christian life. We love to spend time learning and growing together. Our vision as a group of Young Adults is to Connect, Be Real and Discover More.
Come find us!
Eday Walk, Aberdeen, AB15 6LN.
You will find the church, in Aberdeen, behind the “Curl Aberdeen” curling rink on the Lang Stracht. Turn off the Lang Stracht, down Rousay Drive, then turn left at the T junction onto Eday Road.
Eday Walk is the first left, after the Tesco supermarket loading ramp, and the church is on the second right.
We are also situated on the No. 13 or No. 23 First bus routes, and the No. 218 Stagecoach bus route.