Ways to Serve
Our vision of Branching Out means we want to be salt and light in the lives of our families, friends and communities. There are many different ways you can be involved in bringing Christ’s love to others.
Here at Sheddocksley Baptist Church there are growing ministries spanning every age group, both within the church and in the community. The following gives you an idea of regular activities that need additional support.
- Northfield Foodbank
- Community Action
- Mainly Music Sheddocksley
- Mainly Music Northfield
- Make Lunch
- Creche (0-3), Childrens (3-12), Youth (12-18) and Young Adults (18-25)
- Cleaning, Gardening, Building Maintenance
- Creative & Worship Ministries
- Hospitality (Weclome Team, Teas & Coffees, Kitchen)
- Pastoral Care
- Practical Care
- Prayer