Legal Stuff

Web Statement

The content of this website has been approved by the leadership of the church and is designed to be as informative and useful to you as possible. It is our aim to produce a site that accurately portrays Sheddocksley Baptist Church; the work we are doing and why we are doing it.

The site offers an insight into the work that particular groups are doing in the church and to give an overall impression of the breadth of interest to be found at Sheddocksley.

We hope you enjoy the site and find the time to visit us in person!


Please see our legal and data protection policies below.


At Sheddocksley Baptist Church we take safeguarding seriously. This includes children, young people and vulnerable adults.
We all play our part in keeping everyone safe.

Click below to view our Safeguarding Policy and our Incident Report Form.

Our Safeguarding officers are:
Jacqui Mackintosh – Safeguarding Officer
Phil Burnett – Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Our safeguarding team can be reached by emailing


Privacy Notice

Provided under the UK law on data protection applicable post 25 May 2018.

Lawful Basis

As part of the work of Sheddocksley Baptist Church, we need to process personal data. We undertake to gather and process this data on the lawful basis of consent and under condition 9(2)d of GDPR, in terms of which we process in the course of legitimate activities with appropriate safeguards as a church.

Whose information do we hold and why?

Processing is in relation to members, former members and those having regular contact, in connection with the pursuit of our purposes as a church. Personal data is not disclosed outside the church processes without the consent of the data subjects (i.e. those to whom the data belongs). This information enables the church to keep in contact with you and provide pastoral support.

How long will we keep this information & your rights concerning it?

We will keep your data for the period of your involvement with the church. It may also be archived as part of our historical record of membership of the church. You have the right to request access to your personal data held by us, to change and update those details. You can also withdraw consent for us to hold your data at any time and we will immediately take action to delete/ destroy it. Your details are held in our church database and is password protected.

Note: Your provision of this data is not part of a statutory requirement or obligation.

The Data Controller is:

Rev. Simon Dennis, Sheddocksley Baptist Church, Eday Walk, Aberdeen AB15 6LN

The Data Protection Contact Point is:

Mrs Lesley Flett, Church Administrator
Tel. 01224 317430

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (the Supervisory Authority for Data Protection) on 0303 123 1113.