Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Bible Text: Joshua 9 | Speaker: Jackie MacDonald | Series: Taking Ground | Joshua chapter 9: They answered Joshua “Your servants were clearly told how the Lord commanded his servant Moses to give you the whole land and to wipe out all its inhabitants from before you. So we feared for our lives because of you, and that is why we did this.” (V:24)

The Gibeonites had heard of the Lord’s Renown/Fame and his instructions to Moses to conquer the land and destroy all the people living in it. They disguised themselves and threw themselves on the mercy of the Israelites and surrendered themselves up.

All along GOD IS in charge the battles and strategies are His. Israel’s successes are not human victories of man against man but victories of the God of Israel over their gods. Today we must surrender ourselves to the Merciful Faithful Jesus who took upon Himself the full wrath of a Just God in our place. He made a Way.

‘I am not found in textbooks but in sanctuaries. You are not changed by knowledge but by love. Only the heart that is melted in devotion is pliable. Only the mind that is open to the spirit can receive divine revelation’ — Frances J. Roberts, “Come Away My Beloved”

Our God IS Supernatural and we must stop fighting battles with a ‘worldly’ mindset BUT lay down ‘our way’ for “His Way” in Spirit and Truth

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